Thursday 28 November 2013

Waste Audit at Springston 2013

Today we did a waste audit.

That is where you collect rubbish from the whole school for a whole day.  We ended up with heaps of named bags sitting in our classroom ready for sorting.  We wondered what we would find!

Toni from Enviro - Schools came we went into Room 7 and put a tarpaulin on the ground to protect the floor. We tipped all the rubbish from the bags on it.  There was heaps and it was yucky!

Next we sorted the rubbish into separate bins.  They included waste metal, paper, waste food and plastic.

We discovered that:

Our teachers are making coffee using posts that can't be re-cycled but there are not many if you count up all the pods and share them amongst all the teachers - or are there? 
If this was 10 pods used in one day, how many would they use in a week?  
If there are about 38 weeks in the school year and the staff used 50 pods a week, they would use 1,930 pods in a year!

Check out our lunch rubbish.  Lots of the lunch rubbish comes from... chewing gum wrappers (oops!), chips, 2 minute noodles, pop corn and cracker things.  Our lunches are full of packaged and processed food that has LOTS of wrapping!

This huge amount of wrapping can be seen on our chart.  There is a total of 55 pieces of plastic wrap and 129 other items with non-recylcable wrap.  This was not all the rubbish from every lunchbox so imagine what the total from every Springston Kid would be!  We could encourage kids to have nude food days and possibly use some of the rubbish for making rubbish art and sculptures.

Another thing we discovered was.... we are making lots of food rubbish that could be used by putting it in the worm farms or composting for the Secret Garden.  Worm pee is a great food for growing plants and compost keeps our garden happy!
We would need to get people as monitors to make this happen at our school.

We entered the information onto the website and they showed us our graph.
It says we...

Next year we are going to start helping Springston School:

1.  Make less rubbish for the landfill by:
  • having some 'Nude Food' days
  • looking at our packaging choices
  • setting up effective re-cycling systems 
  • separating food scraps and using them more effectively
  • make some 'rubbish' art
2.  Be better at re-cycling and re-using by:
  • feeding the worms and have the Bokashi going
  • having re-cycling bins for each class
  • joining 'Trees for paper' to help plant our school
What else do you think we could do to make Springston School better at managing our waste?  Tell us in a comment.

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